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Tag Archives: addiction and breastfeeding
Opiate Addiction: Commentary for Breastfeeding Supportive Care
Disclaimer: Native Mothering strongly opposes the use of drugs by breastfeeding mothers unless prescribed by a physician. Please consult your healthcare provider before taking any medications or drugs while pregnant or breastfeeding. This article is not meant to replace the advice of your … Continue reading
Posted in Articles for Breastfeeding Support Workers, Breastfeeding, Resources for Parents, Technical Aspects of Breastfeeding, Women's Issues
Tagged addiction and breastfeeding, breastfeeding, breastfeeding heroin use, breastfeeding mother, drug addiction, Heroin and breastfeeding, lactation, lactation consultant, Methadon and breastfeeding, methadone use breastfeeding, mothering sobriety, Narcotics Anonymous, opiates, support groups for addicts
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