March 21, 2012 – March 23, 2012
The 15th Annual Breastfeeding: The Gold Standard Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana
Conference Website:
Contact Information: Laura Goodwin-Wright
The Hampton Inn & Suites
1201 Convention Center Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sponsored by:
La Leche League of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana
The fifteenth annual “Breastfeeding: The Gold Standard” conference is an opportunity to learn about the latest evidence-based practices in the field of lactation to better serve the breastfeeding mothers and babies in your community. This outstanding conference will be held at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 1201 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana, and provides 3 days of excellent presentations.
Continuing nursing education hours will be awarded to RN’s who register, miss no more than 10% of class time and complete an evaluation form. Applications have been submitted for CHES, and OT Contact Hours, and CERPs. RDs will be provided the conference certificate and agenda needed to report their CE hours.
In compliance with the WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes,this program does not receive funding from artificial baby milk companies.
If you look carefully on Thursday and Friday’s line up, our own Jolie Black Bear will be speaking on designing and implementing mother-to-mother support groups! If you would like to meet her in person and discuss how to start breastfeeding support systems in your community or tribal region, please contact us!
(c) Native Mothering, 2012. All rights reserved.
Breastfeeding: The Gold Standard Conference information and logo used with permission