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Category Archives: Breastmilk or Formula?
A Mother’s Guide to Weaning
Gradual Weaning When weaning happens gradually, it is a process by which nursing frequency decreases slowly over time. The partnership between the mother and child during breastfeeding can be respected and honored if the weaning is done as compassionately as … Continue reading
Posted in Articles for Breastfeeding Support Workers, Breastfeeding, Breastmilk or Formula?, Women's Issues
Tagged breastfeeding, compassionate weaning, ending breastfeeding, gentle weaning, How do I stop nursing, how do I wean, IBCLC, indigenous mothers, lactation, Native Mothering, native mothers, Serena Meyer, stop breastfeeding, tips for weaning, weaning, weaning from the breast
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Breastfeed Your Adopted Baby
Yes, you can breastfeed a baby you did not give birth to. In fact, breastfeeding an adopted baby is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is even possible to breastfeed if you have never been pregnant or have … Continue reading
Just for Dads: Why breastfeed?
Did you know that your feelings and attitudes about breastfeeding will weigh heavily on your partner’s decision to breastfeed and continue breastfeeding? Dads play an important role in the breastfeeding relationship from pregnancy on. YOU can help make breastfeeding easier … Continue reading
What’s in Breastmilk?
You may have heard women in your community, maybe your own mother or grandmother, talk about breastfeeding their babies. Many people say that nursing a baby is the “best” choice for mothers and that all mothers should breastfeed their babies. Have … Continue reading
I’m a Pregnant Teenager and I’m Thinking about Breastfeeding My Baby
Firstly, congratulations! Expecting a baby can be an intimidating and wonderful experience all at the same time! You might feel unsure about breastfeeding and a few other things too, and that’s understandable. A lot of mothers investigate whether breastfeeding is the best … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding, Breastmilk or Formula?, Pregnancy and Birth, Resources for Parents, Technical Aspects of Breastfeeding, Women's Issues
Tagged adolescent parent, breastfeeding for young parents, breastfeeding teenager, pregnant teenager, teen breastfeeding, teen parent, teen pregnancy, tips for pregnant teens, young breastfeeding mother
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Why Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is the normal end to the reproduction cycle. Our bodies begin to produce breastmilk whether or not we plan to breastfeed. Breastmilk is made specifically for human babies Babies are born with instinctive behaviors that help them find the … Continue reading
Posted in Breastmilk or Formula?
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