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10 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Endre Richards says:

    Hi there-
    I am starting a class on Native American preservation through Portland State in June and want to focus my work on Indigenous midwifery. Can you recommend any books or compilations on the subject? Thanks.

    BTW- this is a great site. I am a breastfeeding peer counselor with Nursing Mothers Counsel of Oregon and I think what you are doing is great. Keep up the good work.

  2. admin says:

    Hi Endre,
    Is it native birth practices, or is it native midwifery programs that you are interested in? I was a little unclear, but I’d like to help. 🙂

  3. jennifer s says:

    i am looking for a 5-day professional training, to become a Certified Lactation Specialist, and i would like a training that is Native or Tribal focused. Anyone know of something?? Thanks!

  4. admin says:

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for writing us. What region are you in?

  5. Steph MacDonald says:

    Hi! I’m Steph, Oneida Nation in Canada. I’m an Aboriginal Midwife and IBCLC on my Six Nations reserve. Happy to have come across your site!

  6. Erynne (Manitou Nootin Iskew) says:

    I am Saulteaux Cree-Michif from Canada.
    Many of my questions are similar to the ones above- but mostly I raise my hands that a site like this exists! I am starting my PhD in Indigenous Governance in Coast Salish territories on Vancouver Island. I am passionate about and a student of resurgent land-based healing traditions; with specific focus on Indigenous midwifery. I was wondering if you could share any resources you find helpful?

    Also, I am seeking personal and professional training as a doula or birthing assistant with specific Indigenous traditions and practice.

    Hiy Hiy

  7. admin says:

    Thank you for contacting us! There is a group on facebook for indigenous birth workers. You might consider there. Fond du lac also has some birth worker opportunities. hth

  8. admin says:

    Steph, we are happy to meet you too!

  9. Alice says:

    Wonderful website! Stumbled on it while finding information to be used in Arizona for patients and providers regarding substance use during pregnancy and lactation. A link for your site will be part of the information given to both providers and patients. Thank you for your work!

  10. Betty Quinlan says:

    can the native mothering handout , how can I pump more breastmilk article be purchased as a handout to give mothers. I would like to make them available for mothers in prenatal class, breastfeeding support group and for a mother having difficulty maintaining an adequate milk production. Thank you

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